Carrie Bucci In the News
Forget Work life balance. Try This instead.
Woah! Inc. Magazine covered my approach to work/life harmony! I make the argument that the language we use around this important topic matters.
Philly Has an Employee Burnout Problem. Here’s How To Beat It.
Philadelphia Magazine wrote about some of the challenges that Philadelphia employees are navigating. Give it a read!
How Work-Life Balance can stop Employee Burnout with Carrie Bucci from Mixtape Talent
Guest appearance on the Employee Cycle podcast, where I talked about:
Why work-life balance looks different for everyone.
Why the tone of work-life balance is always set from the top.
How to ask the right questions to know if you’re employee are happy with their current work-life balance.
How to analyze survey data to identify opportunities to create a balanced work-life experience.
Why HR is in the customer service business.
How to keep workaholics from burning out.
How employee burnout can cause serious health problems for employees.
Why exit interviews are great ways to measure how well you’ve been taking care of your employees.